
- Tracy, former Every Meal recipient "These bags were super helpful for a single
mom of three on a fixed income and a very
tight budget. They were a lifesaver to me.
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Fighting Child Hunger

More than 300,000 children in Minnesota live with food insecurity. We’re on a mission to change that. Every Meal fights child hunger by focusing on filling the food gaps children face, especially on the weekends, when they’re not able to eat school meals. When they don’t have consistent access to enough food, the risk of hunger is very real. Through our multiple food gap programs, we provide children and families experiencing food insecurity with access to good food.


Volunteer Hours

We offer many ways for you to volunteer your time to help fight child hunger.

Food Access Sites

Our meal bags are available at various sites, with schools being our key way of getting food to children. Your group can partner with a local school.

Sponsor A School
Financial Supporters

To carry out our mission we need financial support. Help us fight child hunger today.

Donate Now

Latest News

A Family’s Renewal

A Single Mom, A Sudden Loss Sometimes a tragedy has a domino effect. For Nicole, that tragedy was her mom suddenly passing away. Nicole’s mom’s passing wasn’t only tragic because

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Meet Every Meal’s Supply Chain Team

At Every Meal, we believe that child hunger is not a supply problem, but a distribution problem. Meet our Supply Chain team. They are on the front lines of this.

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Volunteer Spotlight: Volunteer Couple Jan & Dave

It started with one volunteer shift packing food bags for kids to have food over the weekend and that got Jan and Dave hooked. Now they are Volunteer Ambassadors at

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Join the fight against child hunger