
I’m pretty sure this note is supposed to be about fundraising

It’s the end of the calendar year, and based on all the fundraising emails and posts I have received, I’m pretty sure this note’s main focus is supposed to be to ask you to consider donating. So don’t worry, I’ll get to that at the end (but if you don’t want to wait, you can definitely click here to donate now!).

First, I want to give you an update on what we have planned for the coming months in 2016.

I am happy to share that we are in the final stages of adding 10 additional schools to our existing 65 to bring us to 75 schools in our network of weekend food programs!

This school year across our total network, we expect to distribute over 100,000 bags of food, about double what we did last school year. That equates to about 385,000 meals! We are on a roll, and Avivah, Owen, and I are working hard to ensure everything runs smoothly so the kids get the nutrition they need to learn and grow. It’s a big task, and we love doing it!

Now that I’ve shared the fun news, I do, in fact, need to ask you to consider donating to support our growing impact on child hunger. We really do need your support to be able to make this all happen. Gifts are even tax deductible!

If you believe in what we do, please help us do it with a financial gift.



P.S. You can of course donate online here, and you can also mail a check made out to The Sheridan Story to 740 Harding St NE Ste B, Minneapolis, MN 55413. All checks we receive dated in 2015 will be considered as part of the 2015 tax year.

Additional easy ways to donate:

  • Payroll / United Way  –  Designate The Sheridan Story as the recipient of your donation through your paycheck. Many employers use the United Way for their payroll donations, but yours may use another organization.
  • Employer Match  –  Many employers will match employee donations to non-profits, sometimes you can even set up automatic donations through your paycheck.
  • Thrivent Choice  –  Contact your Thrivent Representative and designate your earned dollars.
  • Amazon Smile  –  When shopping on Amazon, go to smile.amazon.com and designate The Sheridan Story to receive 0.5% of your purchase price.
  • Sustaining Partner  –  For as little as a few lattes a month, you can help provide us with a consistent base of support.

Additional ways to get involved:

  • Volunteer  –  We need volunteers so we can pack the thousands of bags of food that we give to the kids. Slots are open for next school year!
  • Food drive / Fundraiser  –  Your church, office, club, etc. can hold a food drive and/or fundraiser to both raise awareness about the issue and support our mission.
  • Partnerships  –  Know of a community group that may want to sponsor a school? Sponsors are one of the most important components of our programs.