
Give to the Max today

We invite you to join us this year for Give to the Max Day to help us fight child hunger right here in Minnesota! Give to the Max today through November 17 to double your impact on child hunger thanks to our $75,000 match.

The need in our community is real

The ongoing impact of COVID, inflation in all areas but particularly food, reductions in government support programs, and many other challenges are causing dramatic increases in enrollment for Every Meal’s Weekend Meal Program. We have seen a 34% increase in kids signing up to receive food support over the weekend, exceeding our expected 17% increase.

Child hunger is solvable

We believe that child hunger is solvable because it’s not a supply problem, but a distribution problem. We are working hard to meet the dramatic increase in enrollment, but are having to make difficult choices (read more here). Every Meal is 100% community-funded. We have the ability to fight child hunger, but we can’t do it without your support. Our strongest asset is our ability to work together to ensure every child gets every meal.

You can help

The best way you can help is to DONATE TODAY at GiveMN or www.everymeal.org/give! It costs $323 to provide one kid with weekend food bags for the school year. By donating today, you are providing kids in your community with good food on the weekends.

Double your impact

Early giving has begun! Gifts made through November 17 on GiveMN or www.everymeal.org/give will be doubled thanks to a $75,000 MATCH from the Carter Family Foundation and Apple Autos. Earning this match will support 464 kids for the school year.