
Feed Kids in a School Near You

Who is in your class?

What do you think about your teacher?

Who do you sit next to?

These are the question families should be discussing at the dinner table as the new school year begins, not worrying if they’ll have enough food to eat. Not worrying about being unable to stretch their food for the weekend. And not worrying about having enough in their bank account to buy groceries.

The weekend food gap

In Minnesota, 49,345 families don’t have money to buy enough food for their kids. When these families are faced with weekends, they are often worried. Worried that their kids will be hungry over the next two days, and that they will run out of food.

That’s why Every Meal focuses on the weekend food gap, ensuring kids have nourishing food on weekends. 

Emily, a social worker at Bridge View School, shared how one family relies on our food bags to help get through the weekend.

“One of the families that receives a food bag shared that with the rising costs of groceries, it has become even more challenging to make ends meet. Both parents work full-time and have a child with significant disabilities and health challenges. The parents reported that they appreciate that they can count on the food bag weekly.”


Make an impact in a school near you

Every Meal partners with 375 schools across Minnesota, where children receive food for the weekends when they would otherwise face empty kitchen cupboards at home. Chances are we’re in a school near you.

Perhaps you are fortunate enough to not have to worry about empty kitchen cupboards. Hopefully you are fortunate enough to read about this issue instead of experiencing it first hand.

We ask you to please join us, your colleagues, your neighbors, and your community in saying: “This is not ok, and I’m going to do something about it!”

Can you donate today to support families like the one in Bridge View School with weekend food bags this fall? With $24, you can provide weekend food for one child for a month.

It takes a whole lot of people to impact such a large issue. By making a gift, you’re helping us continue to provide food to kids at 375 schools in Minnesota and make an impact this school year. You’ll also be joining the effort we are building to get Minnesota kids the food they need to learn and grow.

Please consider stretching yourself with your gift so families don’t have to stretch themselves to eat. Every Meal is 99% funded by philanthropy and receives almost no government money. Your donation is important in making an impact this school year.

Let’s continue this vital work together. Kids are counting on us!