Approved: 12.15.2021
Every Meal is committed to protecting the financial information, as well as other information that may reasonably be considered personal information, including name and contact information, of donors, visitors to the website of Every Meal (Website), and other individuals and organizations that provide personal information to Every Meal.
Ensuring a donor’s privacy is vital to the mutual trust between Every Meal and its donors. Securing donor financial information helps build trust by protecting financial information systems and donor financial transactions.
Toward that standard, Every Meal is committed to providing a secure environment for collecting donations and maintaining internal controls governing the safekeeping of all confidential donor financial and personal information.
The board of directors of Every Meal has responsibility for oversight of the donor information security practices of Every Meal.
Specifically, the board will regularly review and revise this DONOR INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY and the related Privacy Policy (described below), and assure that Every Meal has developed and implemented best practices regarding donor information. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Disclosure of what credit card data is retained by Every Meal.
- Donor communications regarding Every Meal (or a third party conducting the transaction) use of secure technology to accept online credit card donations.
- Controls placed over physical access to electronically stored credit card information and files.
- Donor communications regarding Every Meal inability to guarantee that the credit card data will be secure, and that Every Meal is not liable for information donor shares with others.
Every Meal will communicate its donor information security practices in a Privacy Policy posted on the website (Website), which is owned and operated by Every Meal. All changes to this DONOR INFORMATION SECURITY POLICY will be reflected in timely updates to the Privacy Policy posted on the Website.