
Volunteer Spotlight: Food Bag Packing Volunteer Wyatt

With kids back in school, our food bag packing events are in high gear. We’d like to spotlight one of our amazing food bag packing volunteers, Wyatt, who has a desire and passion to go into Pediatrics in hopes of helping kids get and stay healthy, which is why he’s loved volunteering with Every Meal. Thank you Wyatt!

Hear directly from him about his heart behind volunteering and his favorite food tradition growing up by clicking below!


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Q: Tell us about yourself and your volunteer role at Every Meal?

A: Hi, my name is Wyatt Schoephoerster and I have been a volunteer at Every Meal as a food bag packer.

Q: What motivated you to pack food bags at Every Meal?

A: What motivated me to pack food bags with Every Meal was my desire to give back to the community. I found myself coming home after work and having all this free time. And I was wanting to do something to be able to give back to the community that I grew up surrounded by. Additionally, I have a desire and passion to go into Pediatrics and attend medical school to pursue this field. And so finding a job and opportunity to give back to the kids is something that was of high interest to me. When I found this volunteer opportunity, it was something I knew I had to pursue to ensure I could give back to kids, serve them, and ensure that they go through life not having to worry about their next meal.

Q: What do you enjoy most about volunteering at Every Meal?

A: What I enjoy most about volunteering at Every Meal is the community aspect and coming together with people who have similar motivations behind this. It’s just work hard, have fun, and pack as many bags as possible to support as many kids and families as possible.

Q: What’s your favorite food tradition that you or your family has?

A: My favorite food tradition was coming home after school and having my mom’s meatloaf. While being a kid, meatloaf was not always my favorite meal. It was something that I have grown to really enjoy and love and to reflect upon on those first day of school dinners with my entire family, just looking forward to that meatloaf and just enjoy that with my whole family and talk about the school day. It really brought us together having this simple meatloaf.

Help us pack food bags by signing up for a food bag packing volunteer shift here