
Help Every Meal cover the rising food costs


Hear from our Director of Supply Chain about the rising food costs we’re facing. 

Every Meal is experiencing a significant rise in our food costs, as you have likely also encountered on your recent grocery trips. While some are able to weather these increases, others are not – which is why Every Meal exists.


Our Every Meal team is nimble and creative in managing an already challenging supply chain. We see firsthand how transportation backlogs and supply issues for key products with our vendors have created disruptions and driven up prices. Now, food prices have risen 29.3% since last year. This means that the average cost of our meal bags has increased by $1.08 compared to the beginning of the school year. It may not sound like a lot, but with about 149,500 meals provided to children monthly, we need $42,120 more per month just to keep supporting the same number of kids.

We are working hard to mitigate rising food costs through bulk purchasing, increasing our lead time, negotiating costs where possible, and finding additional vendors and food items that fit within our criteria to provide nutritious, delicious, and culturally relevant food.

But we can’t do this alone.


Will you make a gift today to help us cover the rising food costs?

These are more than just math calculations. To ensure children have the food they need to learn and grow, we buy 99% of the food we provide. This funding primarily comes from private donations from our wonderful community.

Your support is instrumental in getting food to kids. Your gift today – of any amount – will go right to work providing the critical resources needed to get nutritious, delicious, and relevant food into those growing minds and bodies. Give at info.www.everymeal.org/fundfood

And a generous $45,000 match from the John W. Mooty Foundation and the Bruce and Tracy Mooty Family Foundation means your gift will be matched dollar for dollar! We are grateful for their support and the ability to double the impact of your gift.

Every Meal exists to fill the gaps children face in food access. Together, we have the means to cover the increased food cost and focus on what we do best – giving food to kids.