Meet Every Meal’s Supply Chain Team
At Every Meal, we believe that child hunger is not a supply problem, but a distribution problem. Meet our Supply Chain team. They are on the front lines of this. They help manage the operations and logistics of our Weekend Meal Program, ensuring that every step – from sourcing food to delivering it to schools – is seamless and efficient. Together, the team covers all aspects of supply chain management, including inventory management, food packing events, warehouse operations, and order assembly. Whether physically handling shipments or optimizing processes behind the scenes, the Supply Chain team plays a vital role in making sure nutritious, delicious, and relevant meals reach children experiencing food insecurity across Minnesota.
Get to know them by reading what they like most about their role and their favorite food tradition.
Dave Franke:Logistics Associate |
What do you like most about your role? I think what I like the most about my role at Every Meal is the people. The ones I work with directly and indirectly at schools. I’m now 5 years in and people are what keep me going.
What is your favorite food tradition? I think my favorite food tradition with my family is how my son, wife, and I share our roses and thorns of the day during dinner. Highs and lows. Its good conversation and a snapshot into how each of us see the world. Another tradition is around Christmas time. Rice pudding. (I’m Scandinavian.) My grandmother used to make it. Then, my mom. And now my sister does as well. It’s not good for you, but it’s really tasty and I feel that if we don’t remember our roots and where we come from, nobody else will.
Dave McGrane:Warehouse Coordinator |
What do you like most about your role? Being able to contribute to various aspects of our purpose is what I enjoy most about my work. I feel really fulfilled because I can plan and organize the events that fill our meal bags. Getting to drive and deliver meals to schools while interacting with teachers, kids, and other staff members is another aspect of my role that I enjoy the most. Seeing the children’s smiles when they recognize our large green trucks or the food boxes I bring into their school brings me joy.
What is your favorite food tradition? My favorite food tradition is Thanksgiving. I especially love this tradition because my dad makes the best turkey, and all of my other 6 siblings bring various food items that bring the meal together.
Epifanio Chaudary:Warehouse Coordinator |
What do you like most about your role? En mi caso particular, siempre he trabajado en almacénes de grandes industrias como comprador, involucrado en inventoriar, recibir, organizar, y mejoras de proceso en algunos casos, pero nunca había tenido el privilegio de trabajar en una organización sin fines de lucro con una misión muy gratificante. Actualmente unas de mis funciones principales es recibir y organizar los alimentos que serán utilizados en los eventos de empaque y que posteriormente serán distribuidos a las diferentes escuelas; por tanto, considero que es uno de los trabajos de alta importancia ya que ayudo a garantizar el buen estado de productos recibidos. Eso hace esta posición muy importante dentro de la organización, la cual realizo con compromiso y responsabilidad con el fin de garantizar la misión y objetivos de Every Meal.
In my particular case, I have always worked in warehouse in large industries as a buyer, involved in inventory, receiving, organizing, and process improvements in some cases, but I had never had the privilege of working in a nonprofit organization with a very rewarding mission. Currently, one of my main functions is to receive and organize the foods that will be used in the packing events and that will subsequently be distributed to the different schools; therefore, I consider it is a highly important job since I help guarantee the good condition of the products received. This makes this position very important within the organization, which I carry out with commitment and responsibility in order to guarantee the mission and objectives of Every Meal.
What is your favorite food tradition? Como buen Venezolano, sin duda la arepa en todas sus presentaciones, pero me encanta también la carne asada.
As a good Venezuelan, without doubt the arepa in all its presentations, but I also love carne asada.
Jesus Balderrama:Warehouse, Production Manager |
What do you like most about your role? What I like the most about my job is the ability to feed kids day in and day out!
What is your favorite food tradition? My favorite food tradition is making tamales at Christmas time for the Mexican culture.
Jose Cordova:Logistics Associate |
What do you like most about your role? Lo que mas me gusta es socializar con los ingenieros, custodios, y personal docente de las escuelas donde hacemos las entregas de comida.
What I like most is socializing with the engineers, custodians, and teaching staff at the schools where we deliver food.
What is your favorite food tradition? De las tradiciones Mexicanas me gusta el Dia de Muertos. De las internacionales, la Navidad. Y de las locales el Dia de Accion de Gracias.
Among the Mexican traditions, I like the Day of the Dead. Among the international ones, Christmas. And among local traditions, Thanksgiving.
Lindsey Torkilsen:Vice President of Impact |
What do you like most about your role? The diversity every day brings. In Supply Chain, there are food deliveries, packing events, Every Meal bag deliveries to school, weather changes, equipment malfunctions, pest alerts, vendor follow up, you name it! It happens every day at Every Meal. Pelante!
What is your favorite food tradition? “Watermelon” ice cream cake. Lime sherbet, vanilla, and raspberry sherbet all frozen to the edge of a bowl. When you flip it over and cut slices, it looks like watermelon wedges.
Patricia Suarez:Procurement Manager |
What do you like most about your role? What I really love is the thought and care we put into sourcing nutritious, delicious food that reflects the diverse cultural backgrounds of the families we serve. Knowing that every effort we make helps feed children in need and witnessing the impact of our work makes it all the more rewarding
What is your favorite food tradition? I truly enjoy the tradition of gathering with family, sharing good food, and preparing meaningful, traditional recipes for the holidays.