
What We Do

Learn more about the food Every Meal offers, our programs, and where we work through the links below.

What We Do Page - Food cans on a table

Our Food

Every Meal is committed to using only GOOD FOOD – nutritious, delicious, and relevant – that retains the dignity of our children and families.


Our Weekend Meal Program is the core of our organization. It is our response to a need we hear frequently from Principals and school staff: “My students don’t have food on the weekends, can you help?”

What We Do - Weekend Food Program Bag in Backpack
What We do P age - Weekend Food Program Bags


Summer looks different for every family, especially for children living with food insecurity. Every Meal works to close the food gaps children face during the summer months through various programs.

Where We Work

We work where we live, right here in Minnesota. Our multiple food gap programs are making a significant impact on child hunger throughout the Twin Cities and beyond. Our services aren’t restricted by certain cities, counties, or school districts. We serve children in urban, suburban, and rural communities.

What We Do Page - Where we work